“Wholly obtained goods” are the goods whose production is completed in one country.
Retrieved from: Outline of Rules of Origin for EPA in Japan
“Wholly obtained goods” is Three Major Elements of Origin criteria.
A good is considered to be Wholly Obtained (WO) if it occurs naturally; is a plant that is
grown and harvested, or is an animal that is born and raised, or it is a waste that is derived
from production in the country of export.
Examples of “Wholly obtained goods”
(a)live animals born and raised in the Party (Livestock, etc.)
(b)animals obtained by hunting, trapping, fishing,
gathering or capturing in the Party (Captured wild animals, etc.)
(c) goods obtained from live animals in the Party (Milk, egg, etc.)
(d)plants and plant products harvested, picked or gathered in the Party
(Cut flowers, etc.)
(e)minerals and other naturally occurring substances, not included
in subparagraphs (a) through (d) above, extracted or taken in the Party
(f) goods of sea-fishing and other goods taken by vessels of the Party
from the sea outside the territorial seas of the Partied
(l) goods obtained or produced in the Party exclusively from the goods
are referred to in subparagraphs (a) through (f) above
(Meat produced from slaughtered cattle, etc.)
Retrieved from: Outline of Rules of Origin for EPA in Japan
Images of “Wholly obtained goods”
Those are a typical example of “Wholly obtained goods”
In the case below all components used are originating in Turkey.
Therefore the product is wholly obtained in Turkey.